Former BSSC student Vanessa Chng returned to the college today to share her first-year university experiences with Year 11 and 12 Art and Design students.
Vanessa is studying a Bachelor of Design at Swinburne University and had plenty of helpful advice for students looking towards a pathway in Art and Design. She covered everything from applying for courses, to explaining what a day in the life of a Design student at uni looks like.
As she talked students through some of her assignments so far, Vanessa spoke about the balance between contact hours and online work, and the importance of building good working relationships with lecturers.
“It’s important to find your point of difference from other students in the course,” she explained, “and to try and leave BSSC with as many skills as possible, particularly in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.”
Vanessa also gave some helpful tips about university, including the benefits of joining the Student Union, getting involved in clubs, and for Design students, owning your own printer/scanner.
“It’s really about getting involved and gaining as much experience as you can,” she said.
BSSC thanks Vanessa for giving her time so generously and giving back to the college.