What are the biggest challenges for you teaching from home?
Learning to use the technology in a hurry and keeping up with the emails.
What do you like about teaching from home?
Travel time to and from school has gone.
What has surprised you?
On lockdown we can still maintain contact with students and colleagues.
Have you got a favourite place at home to work?
The study.
What’s your ISO exercise of choice?
Looking at the flowers out the window.
Any funny, wonderful or unexpected things that have happened as a result of teaching from home?
Lots of nice conversations with students one to one.
What are you looking forward to about being back on campus?
Being able to talk to students and staff.
What’s something you do to completely switch off from teaching?
Anything you’d like to say to the rest of the BSSC community during lockdown?
Looking forward to seeing you in person soon.