BSSC Year 11 student, Olivia Masters Migliore and Year 12 student, Vana Morena Vergel, are the student representatives on the BSSC College Council for 2021. We caught up with Olivia recently to find out more about her experience.
“I decided to put my hand up for this role because I felt like my prior experience in similar roles would make me a valuable member of this team.
“At primary school I was a member of the Junior School Council and also a school captain. When I moved to my 7 to 10 college I joined the Student Representative Council.
“For the past two years I’ve been a member of the Bendigo Youth Council where we partnered with local Bendigo councillors and I learnt a great deal about their roles.
“I understand that in certain situations the students’ perspective isn’t necessarily required, and there may be times when we don’t fully understand the context or complexity of an issue, but I’m expecting our input will be welcomed at each meeting regardless of what’s on the table.
I truly believe student input on college council can help the school grow and/or improve.”