This morning Year 12 VET Digital Media students and VET Information Technology students had the immense privilege of a presentation from Game Designer and Writer, Mark Morrison.
Mark is currently teaching “Writing for Games” at Swinburne University and has a background deep with gaming projects that have enjoyed wide popularity and commercial success—including the program ‘QED’ made for the ABC. He also continues to work creatively.
Today he offered a wide range of valuable advice to students about pathways into the numerous roles gaming careers offer.
“You never know where life is going to take you, but your work should be fun,” he insisted.
His visit today also had a rather wonderful twist—Mark was once a student at Bendigo High School and part of the Class of 1981.
He attributes the source of his excellent career to the foresight of 1980s Bendigo High librarian, Miss Jones, who introduced Sci Fi board games into the library—Mark and his friends especially relished a game called ‘Traveller’.
The year Mark started at university, Dungeons and Dragons was launched—with big consequences for his studies, but long-term inspiration for a career in gaming.
“My experience is an encouragement to ‘play the long game’ and stick with what you enjoy,” he says.
His work is on display at ACMI in Melbourne and Mark still plays D&D each week.