Over the last year we’ve learned that our best laid plans are sometimes quickly undone by COVID-related changes.
Last week we advised you of plans for this week’s four days of remote learning and then three days of face to face classes before Unit 3&4 VCE students undertook the GAT on June 9.
Today we’ve learned that while the Victorian lockdown has been extended, regional students are able to return to face to face activities commencing on Friday. This afternoon schools have also been advised by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) that the GAT will not proceed on June 9. I understand a key reason behind this decision is the number of students around the state who will be in 14 days of isolation and unable to sit the GAT.
The GAT will be rescheduled and we will be advised of the new date in the coming weeks.
There is a positive to be gained from this change as it presents us with an extra day in which we can ensure all SACs are completed and also allow all students to complete our planned midyear exams. It also allows us to make an early start to Semester 2 classes.
The arrangements for BSSC will now be as follows:
Monday May 31 to Thursday June 3
- Remote learning classes will continue to run as planned.
- Please consult the advice sent to you on Thursday of last week for details.
- It’s important that students check Compass for each class and connect into the Google Meets sessions which will run for each class.
Friday June 4
- Normal classes will not run on this day except for those listed below.
- Any classes yet to complete their final SAC for the semester will run on this day. A list of these classes is attached. A special timetable will be published to Compass soon for those students.
- Some students who have rescheduled SACs to complete will do them on this day; these students will receive advice about this matter.
- Some teachers will require students to come in to the college to complete essential practical activities. Teachers will advise those students directly.
- In the afternoon the college will also run redemption sessions for students at risk of failure in a certain subject; these students will be contacted separately about this opportunity.
Monday June 7 to Wednesday June 9
A special timetable will run with each class having one double period over the three days. A copy of the timetable is attached. This will be published to Compass soon.
- VCAL classes will run in these blocks.
- In VCE classes, teachers will supervise students undertaking the planned mid-year exams.
- Remaining students with rescheduled SACs to complete will undertake these in blocks where they don’t have classes.
Thursday June 10
- Assessment Day
As previously planned, students are not required at school. Teachers will be marking exam papers and remaining SACs and finalising Semester 1 reports.
BSSC staff were to be undertaking professional development on this day but this can no longer proceed.
Friday June 11
Commence Semester 2 classes. This will be a normal Friday timetable for all classes.
Monday June 14
Queen’s Birthday public holiday
Tuesday June 15
Continue Semester 2 classes
Student Semester 1 reports will be issued via Compass before the end of this school term.
While we have no control over what happens with COVID-related matters the schedule above does provide students with an opportunity to complete everything that was planned for this semester as well as make an early start to Semester 2. It’s important that students fully engage in their remaining remote and face to face classes as well as exams.
I hope all students have had a successful week so far with their remote classes.
From this Friday all students will need to wear masks in school buildings and when they are unable to maintain 1.5m of social distancing when outside on school grounds. Masks will continue to be required in public places. It is important that students bring their own masks to the college each day.
Please make sure you contact your teachers or the college if any assistance is required.
Dale Pearce