BSSC Alumna, Grace Holsworth (Class of 2016), returned to the college today to share her journey from VCE to Melbourne University. With the help of a Paid Partnership Scholarship, Grace is studying a Bachelor of Oral Health while living on-campus at St Hilda’s College.
As someone who can still remember the stresses of VCE, and how quickly her last year at BSSC seemed to disappear, she was able to give great advice to current students about transition to uni.
Grace spoke about the logistics of moving to the ‘big smoke’ and the benefits of college life, such as the social culture, pastoral care and the spirit of community.
“St Hilda’s quickly became a home away from home,” Grace says. “There are students from regional areas, interstate and overseas, so you live with a really diverse group of people. Socially, it makes moving to the city so much easier, because there’s always something to get involved with.”
Grace answered questions about scholarship opportunities, the application process, work opportunities offered by the college… even the amount of hanging space in the closets. She also spoke about the differences between VCE and university study.
“BSSC definitely encourages independent learning, but university takes that to a whole other level,” she says. “There are a lot less contact hours, so you really have to motivate yourself to stay on track.
“One of the great things about BSSC is the relationships you build with teachers and how willing they are to help you. To be able to connect with lecturers at uni is a really important skill I’ve taken with me from BSSC.”
St Hilda’s Open Day is on Sunday 19 August. We thank Grace for giving back to BSSC so generously.