Do you know a young person juggling the responsibilities of caring for someone else with the day to day pressures of studying? Maybe that person is you?
While caring responsibilities can have positive effects, such as developing skills and building strong relationships, there can also be negative short and long-term effects, including poor health and wellbeing, and social isolation.
There are more than 71,600 young carers in Victoria. Yet young carers are often hidden—partly because many do not think of themselves as carers—so this figure is likely to underestimate the extent of this phenomenon.
The Young Carer Bursary Program offers a $3000 scholarship to 333 young Victorians each year to help ease the financial burden of combining caring and study.
Visit the website for details, and make sure you have a chat with Sharon or Donna from the BSSC Wellbeing team about the application process, which closes Thursday 7 September.sday 7 September 2017.
PS: Consider watching the short documentary: ‘Young Carers NT’ made by Melbourne’s Youthworx. Go to: