What are the biggest challenges for you, fulfilling your role as a Careers & Pathways advisor from home?

The biggest challenge for me is staying motivated and maintaining a normal schedule. With the weather getting colder, it’s so tempting to stay in bed. My partner and I help each other stay on track, as he is working from home too.


What do you like about working from home? What has surprised you?

I enjoy the fact I can be closer to my animals. I live on a farm and had alpacas birthing recently. It was great working from home because I could assist an alpaca that was having a difficult birth. It’s really good to spend my lunch break outside with the animals.


Have you got a favourite place at home to work?

My favourite place to work is in a room by myself. I alternate between the study and the living room. Both have good wood heaters and being warm and cosy motivates me to work.


Any funny, unexpected things that have happened as a result of working from home?

This week a bird fell down the chimney of a fireplace that wasn’t being used. I could hear the chip-chip noise and my cats were very excited. It took a few trials to get the little bird out of the chimney, but he was freed unharmed.


What do you miss most about physically going to the college?

I miss talking to my colleagues in the Careers & Pathways office and walking up to the library to buy a bar of chocolate and pat the dogs. I also miss talking to students face-to-face about their pathway plans and hosting career events at the college.


Anything you’d like to say to the rest of the BSSC community during lockdown?

There are positives from any situation, even if we can’t see it now. I know we will all look back to this period as a great opportunity to grow and develop new skills. It’s normal to feel down and unmotivated. Make sure you find a support buddy (family members, another student, a teacher, neighbour, etc) who you can ring when things are tough. If you are really struggling, make sure you let teachers or other staff know so we can help you.