A window to world affairs

This year’s Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) is being held over the last weekend in May. The Rotary Clubs of District 9800 are offering to sponsor BSSC students interested in participating in MUNA.

This is a fantastic opportunity for students to pit their debating skills against teams from across the state and learn heaps about global political and social issues as well as gaining valuable insights into how the United Nations operates.

In the weeks before the camp, those teams who are successful in the application process (a team comprises two students) will be allocated a country to represent for the MUNA weekend. Participants are provided with Model United Nations resolutions well before the assembly to give them time to prepare. They need to familiarise themselves with the country they represent, the resolutions to be debated, and must wear the national dress in all the daily assembly sessions.

At the Assembly students debate matters of world political and social concern. They also learn about the workings of the United Nations, the Security Council and general rules of debate.

Various prizes are awarded and some individuals will be offered the chance to go to the National MUNA session in Canberra in August this year to represent District 9800.

This year’s MUNA program will run over the weekend of the 26th to 28th of May 2017 at Camp Getaway, Axedale. Participating students will be sponsored by Rotary, and transport will be provided if needed.

Students who are interested can contact Travis Matheson Matheson.Travis@BSSC.EDU.AU

If this sounds like you, please act now—all registrations are due in by Friday 12 May 2017.

Learn more about MUNA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyCQFOAzf2w