If your VCE results this week were better or worse than expected and you want to change your preferences, you aren’t alone. But be aware, the deadline to change preferences is midday, Tuesday 20 December.
Change of Preference is a period of time in which students can revise their VTAC course choices by:
- Changing the order of their courses choices.
- Removing some of their courses choices.
- Adding new course choices.
For self help, follow these steps:
- Research options by using the Course Search link on the VTAC website http://www.vtac.edu.au/
- If adding new courses make sure you meet the prerequisites and additional requirements
- Put the courses you’re really want to get into at the top of your preference list.
- Include a safety net course in your list – this is one where you clearly have the ATAR required or a TAFE course that does not require prerequisites.
However, VTAC Change of Preference time can be a very emotional and confusing time for students. Please be aware that the careers staff at the college are available for assistance during this time.
If you would like to get some help during this time please contact one of the careers team to make an appointment.
Naomi Flint (available 12 Dec – 20 Dec)
Direct Line – 44086151
Email – flint.naomi@bssc.edu.au
Caroline Pysing (available Mon, Thurs and Fri )
Direct Line – 44086250
Email – pysing.caroline@bssc.edu.au
All change of preference information can be found on the VTAC website http://www.vtac.edu.au/applying/courses/cop.html