Being able to conduct quality academic research is a fundamental skill for anyone wishing to pursue a university-based education. Being able to present your findings in a public forum is another skill altogether. Congratulations to our Extended Investigation class of 2017 who presented their research papers on a variety of topics at the La Trobe Arts Institute on Tuesday evening.

Researcher and their question/topic:

What Leadership Methods and Skills Impacted the Popularity of Dictators Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler in their Years of Power?
Leash Lakey


What was the origin of Lucifer and how did he enter the Christian mythos as an entity of evil?
Will Thomas


What are the major motivating factors that influence adults to adopt a minimalist lifestyle and what have been the benefits as a result?
Rebecca Willington


To what extent have the advances in detection software over the last 15 years influenced the ability of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to expose insider trading within Corporate America?
Bryson Interlandi


To what extent are the current concerns about the environment’s ability to continue to support the entire human race a valid reason to explore the cultivation of Mars?
Nash Allsop


What are the major factors that motivate people to collect American Baseball Cards (ABC) and to what extent does the condition of an ABC influence a collector’s decision to purchase them?
Rhys Blair


To what extent has the Hip Hop music genre influenced the development of Trap music?
Jonah Nichols