- The next BSSC on-site Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training will take place on Tuesday 26 July from 1.30 to 5.30 pm. Numbers are limited, so book early. Cost: $85.00 (please complete forms at the MIPs Office in G17 before payment is made to the Finance Office).
- Age: You don’t have to be 18 to complete the RSA, but you do need to be 18 to use it.
- Use by: Qualification is valid for three years, then a refresher is done online at no cost.
Types of work: Waitressing, hotels, pubs, clubs, sporting venues, liquor stores, bottle shops, supermarkets – anyone working with/handling alcohol MUST have an RSA (by law).
Any further enquiries to Lorelle Pearse on 03 4408 6240.