Things kicked up a gear today for Unit 1 Economics students taking part in the CBA Partner a Class program.
The boardroom of the Commonwealth Bank in Hargreaves Street became their classroom as students gave their first presentations to their peers and staff of the bank.
The students have been working in groups for the past three weeks to create a presentation titled ‘Who is the Commonwealth Bank?’ – covering history, products, capital and funding, and customer service.
BSSC Economics teacher, Pru Winter, said it was a great opportunity for the students to escape the textbooks and step into the real world of banking and finance.
“They received valuable feedback on their presentations from CBA staff, and all conducted themselves with professionalism and confidence.”
They also heard from last year’s Partner a Class Scholarship recipient Riley Hillier, who now works for the Bendigo Bank. He encouraged the class to make the most of the opportunity they’ve been given.
“The program teaches you to go the extra mile and to really stand out from the crowd,” he said. “I’ve been successful in all the interviews I’ve had since Partner a Class and I credit that to the experience I gained through the program.”