Parents and students new to BSSC are invited to attend one of two information sessions on Monday 21 November or Tuesday 22 November at 7:00 pm in the Ulumbarra theatre.
A new school can be a very confusing place for both students and parents; especially when it’s the biggest VCE provider in the state. Our parent/student information evenings are designed to provide parents with all the information they need to assist their child to make a smooth transition to BSSC.
At each of these session parents will receive an information pack detailing some of the co-curricular and leadership opportunities available to their child while attending BSSC.
The presentation will also cover a variety of topics including the important roles of parents during the final years of their child’s secondary education.
Parents will also gain familiarity with the Compass Learning Management System and how parents and teachers use it to monitor student progress, attendance and communication. A demonstration of Compass and how parents gain access to its resources will be an important part of the evening.