Week Two of the BSSC Kitchen Challenge—students are really picking up the pace now. Last Tuesday’s session focussed on nutrition with clinical nutritionist Alison Wright of Alimentary. Alison is truly passionate about health and nutrition, and encouraging people to eat mindfully.
The session started with students assessing what they eat over the course of a day – the balance of fat, protein and fibre – then looking at what they could introduce to make a positive difference to their wellbeing.
A series of group challenges included creating the perfect smoothie (judged on taste, nutritional value and texture) and a 20-minute breakfast challenge where students made something that was both quick and substantial but also had the right balance of protein, fat and fibre.
Both Alison, and Kitchen Challenge creator Rob Rees, were blown away by the results that included a healthy breakfast trifle, French toast with berries, and a deconstructed omelette.
“Eating a great breakfast, and getting the right balance of fat, protein and fibre, will increase your energy levels throughout the day,” Alison told the students—and clearly they got the message.