Option 1 – TSFX is offering a FREE program for VCE Students next week – “Mastering the Exams”
Days and Times are below:
Tuesday 31 August 2021: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Wednesday 1 September 2021: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Thursday 2 September 2021: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Sessions will be recorded so even if students can’t join all three sessions, once enrolled, they’ll be given access to the recordings to listen to at a later time.
Registration is free (there is a fee of $15 to have the notes posted out but the vast majority of students just enrol into the lecture for free and view the notes on screen) and more information and enrolments can be found on https://www.tsfx.edu.au/vce/programs/available-programs/mastering-the-exams/
(BSSC can reimburse students who choose to pay the $15 for notes, receipts will be required for this to occur)
Option 2 – RESN (Regional Education Support Network) is currently running FREE face-to-face tutoring sessions with their amazing tutors who scored 40+ in their respective subjects TOMORROW NIGHT!
Sessions are taking place over Zoom Saturday 287th August 5pm – 7pm and you don’t want to miss out!
Sign up in the link below to receive the Zoom link and materials for the night!
Saturday 28/08: https://forms.gle/2XXVHH4nNzgtZeoE6