What are the biggest challenges for you learning at home?
Remote learning has actually been a positive experience for me. I’ve been able to complete my work at my own pace with limited distractions, though it’s hard to ask my teachers the little questions that I would normally ask in the classroom.
Which subject is proving the toughest to study remotely?
None in particular, every subject has its difficulties. It can be a bit hard to know if I’m on the right track with the content for each class and keeping up with due dates.
What do you like about learning at home?
I normally have to catch the bus at 7:45 in the morning and come home at 5pm. With remote learning I can use those extra hours studying rather than going and coming from school, which I’m loving. Not having to carry my books up and down to classes is also a positive!
Have you got a favourite place at home to work?
My favourite place to study at home would be in my bedroom, at my desk, in front of my window. I love the natural light while I do my work.
What’s your iso exercise of choice?
I’ve been going for a run most mornings before I start my school day. I’ve found that doing some exercise and moving my body in the morning before I sit down really helps me concentrate better throughout the day.
Any unexpected things that have happened as a result of learning at home?
I was a bit nervous about doing school from home, wondering if I’d be able to learn the content for all my classes, but surprisingly I’ve been doing really well at remembering content so far which I’m happy about.
What are you most looking forward to about getting back on campus?
I’ve really missed seeing my friends during lunchtimes, so I’m excited to get back and catch up with everyone. I never thought I’d be saying I want to be back at school!
What’s something you do to completely switch off from study?
Meditation has really helped me to switch off from studying. It’s been a great way to reduce my stress levels so I can feel refreshed and ready to start again the next day.
Anything you’d like to say to the rest of the BSSC community during lockdown?
Take this experience as positively as you can. Now is the perfect time to start doing the things you wouldn’t normally have time to do in a normal school week.