BSSC students have amazing opportunities for future pathways advice and career guidance.
Every student who is taking a VET subject, or planning to go to Uni or TAFE, need a USI—Unique Student Identification.
Students can apply online themselves, but David Lane, part of the Careers and Pathways Team, can guide students through the process.
“You can just rock up to see me in the Careers and Pathways Office in A-Block—if I’m not available we’ll make an appointment.”
Getting a USI is like getting a driver’s license or tax file number—but it’s free, takes about five minutes and is able to be used immediately.”
“You do need to bring some ID,” David says, “like a Medicare card.”
David’s formal title is the rather dry-sounding ‘Registered Training Organisation Coordinator’ which, he says, is a fancy way of saying he does a lot of paperwork.
However, he really enjoys his job and his interactions with students.
If you’re a VET student, or planning to go to Uni or TAFE you need to obtain a USI as soon as possible—and if you need help, David Lane is the one to see.
Another fabulous student support brought to you by BSSC!