It’s done. You made it!
With the final VCAA exam completed this week, BSSC wants to once again congratulate you: our wonderful Year 12 students.
Being the largest VCE provider, and VCAA Exam Centre, in the State takes some serious organisation and logistical management. Here are a few ‘fun facts’ about the exam period you have just endured.
- BSSC has run exams in 57 subjects
- 524 students sat the first exam, English, on 1 November
- The next largest exam is Further Mathematics with 376 students sitting the two exams
- Eight students sat English as an Additional Language exam
- 3673 papers were laid out over the three week exam period
- Our last VCAA exam was on 22 November where three students sat Indonesian as a 2nd Language
So, not only have teaching, ES, library and administration staff supported/encouraged/nagged and reassured you over the course of the year, they have also managed the hundreds and thousands of details that this exam period required.
For those of you who have worked so hard—contributed a great deal to the College and the wider community—supported each other and managed to have some fun along the way, we wish you every success as you step into the future.