Unit 2 and 4 SACs are under way and students are considering their 2017 pathways. University Open Days are imminent and online enrolments close on 19 August. Here are some dates for your diary.
Thursday 12 August
Principal’s tour of the college (11:30 am – 1:00 pm).
Monday 15 August
Parent Teacher interviews, 4:00 – 7:00 pm (altered day)
Online enrolment help sessions.
Friday 19 August
Online enrolment system closes.
Thursday 25 August
P&F Forum: SEAS and Scholarships.
Monday 29 August
Year 12 group photo.
Thursday 1 Sept
VCAL Market Day (Wellbeing Week).
Thurs 8-10 Sept
College drama production Death of a Salesman.
Thursday 15 Sept
Year 12 Formal – Bendigo Club.
Friday 16 Sept
Term 3 ends.