The General Achievement Test (GAT) and the start of semester two are coming up. Here are all the important dates you need to know for the next few weeks.
Monday 6 June: Assessment day – student free – unless doing rescheduled exams or SACS.
Tuesday 7 June: General Achievement Test for all students in Unit 3 & 4 subjects.
Wednesday 8 June: Semester two (Unit 2 and Unit 4) classes begin
Monday 13 June: Queen’s Birthday Holiday.
Friday 15 June: BSSC’s Got Talent concert (altered day).
Monday 20 June: Reports available for parents on Compass at 11:00 am
Wednesday 22June: Whole New World presentation for Year 12 students.
Thursday 23 June: Parent-advisor interviews for “at risk” students: 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday 24 June: Term 2 ends.
Monday 11 July: Term 3 commences.