Year 11 student, Ned Thompson, will have one of his images displayed in a Photography Hall of Fame after it was selected as a winning image captured at the recent Tyabb Airshow. Ned also receives a ‘goody bag’ from Paul Bennet Airshows.
“On the day, I was lined up next to all these people with really expensive cameras and big telephoto lenses… so I felt a bit intimidated standing there with my Canon 50D, a gift from my aunt that I’d had for about a month.
“As I waited for the plane to take off I already knew what I was after and, as it lifted off, this massive pyrotechnics display exploded in the background… I just had to get the timing right.”
On the drive home, Ned saw that the airshow organisers were advertising a photography competition, so he went through his pics and found one to submit.
So where did Ned’s love of photography begin?
“I started with a $30 camera,” Ned explained. “Then Mum bought a good camera and let me use it… I was hooked. In the future I want to be a music producer. Perhaps I will be able to do photography alongside this.”
Ned is studying Media and Photography this year and is “bloody loving this school!”
“I get to follow my passion,” he said. “My theme in Media is ‘movement’ so sport is a great focus for my photos. But also those star pictures with the shutter left open for hours… and this photo of the plane—it’s definitely going into my folio.”
Keep a lookout for “NeddyT Photography” in the months ahead.
See Ned’s prize-winning photo: