Headspace Bendigo can help when stress, anxiety and general mental health issues are interfering with wellbeing.  There are two programs coming up which may be of interest to parents and students.


Deal with stress

When:                 Tuesday 3 May  from 5 – 6.30 pm

Where: Headspace Bendigo, 78-80 Pall Mall.

Come to a one-off group session at Headspace Bendigo. This session is open to anyone aged 12 to 25 years. You will learn some helpful ideas to deal with anxiety and stress, some practical ways to problem solve and tips for sleeping. Coffee, tea and supper are provided.

Please send your RSVP via email to megbennett@bchs.com.au  or call Headspace Bendigo reception on 5434 5345.


Parent support group

When: Thursday 5 May,  from 5 – 6 pm

Where:  Headspace Bendigo,  78-80 Pall Mall

Headspace is running support groups for parents on how to better understand youth mental health and how parents can support their students.  This is an informal gathering and the first session will be planning.  Come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat.


For more information call 5434 5345 or email  headspace@bchs.com.au