Year 12 Graduation – Save the date
The 2017 BSSC Year 12 Graduation will be held on Wednesday 25 October in the Ulumbarra Theatre.
Tickets will be $30 per person with a limit of two guests per graduate to ensure all families have access to the ceremony. This price covers reserved seating for guests in the wonderful Ulumbarra venue, a light supper following the ceremony and a BSSC graduation gift for each student. A ticket will be required for each guest and student.
Advice about ticket sales arrangements and release date will be advertised in an upcoming eNews.
You will have the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list if you are seeking additional tickets. You should register this interest via the booking process and will be contacted once ticket sales close to offer you the opportunity to purchase remaining tickets, based on request order.
Dress code for this very special event will be semi-formal to formal.
Following the ceremony there will be time to gather and celebrate with a light supper in the Ulumbarra foyer and courtyards. The Ulumbarra café and bar will be open prior to the ceremony with refreshments also available for purchase following the ceremony. Doors will open at 5:30 pm for bar and café service. Students should arrive by 6.30 pm for assembly in assigned House rooms. Guests will need to be seated in their ticketed seats by 6.45 pm. The ceremony will commence at 7:00 pm sharp and is anticipated to conclude around 9:00pm, when the supper will be served and a formal photography service will be available.