BSSC will host the Whole New World event on Wednesday 22 June. This informative, humorous but no-nonsense program aims to help students safely navigate the world of parties, drinking and relationships.
Partying and nightclubbing can strike fear into the hearts of any parent. Drugs, alcohol and binge drinking are scary topics to discuss, but Sonya Karras, program host of Whole New World, has hit on an award-winning program that she shares with thousands of young people, parents and teachers each year.
The Whole New World program has been developed in partnership with Victoria Police, the Australian Drug Foundation, and the state government to ensure the information provided to students is appropriate and up to the minute.
Sonya will share strategies with students to help them navigate the club and party scenes and celebrate safely. Information on drinking responsibly, night clubs and parties at home is provided.
There will be an altered day structure to accommodate the presentation which will be in the Ulumbarra Theatre.