During class time mobile phones must be silent and invisible unless directed by the teacher for learning purposes.
If you think you might struggle to manage this expectation, you can opt to place your device in the phone pockets at the front of the classroom.
This is being implemented to ensure that all students are focussing fully on their learning in class and are not being distracted by constant checking of devices.
When the founder of The Resilience Project, Hugh van Cuylenburg, visited the college in December last year he presented some challenging insights into young people’s relationships with technology. He backed this up with current statistics showing that 4 in 5 kids are addicted to their mobile phones and technology.
Teachers will give one reminder only for the whole class if any student is not able to meet the expectations, acknowledging that if a phone is visible it will be required to be stowed in the pockets at the front of the room.
If a student is unable to meet the ‘silent and invisible’ expectation a further time, or disagrees, then the student will be advised that the teacher will be calling home to discuss college expectations.
If any student continues to struggle with meeting this expectation, a parent meeting will be arranged by House Engagement Support with a House Leader, to further explain our expectations and the rationale for this.
Our strengthened and consistent focus on this is to support all learners to be fully engaged in all classes so that every student is optimising their opportunities for success. Your commitment to meeting college expectations around phone use is an important requirement of your enrolment at BSSC.