Unit four VCAA written exams start this week, and the Unit two exam timetable will be provided in Advisor meetings on Monday 31 October. BSSC wishes all students the best for each exam, please ensure you are well prepared.
As Unit 3/4 students commence their study period and begin their final VCAA exams it’s important to be fully aware of the exam rules and regulations and to make sure you know the date, time, room and seat for all your exams. Be sure to take your VCAA number and photo ID with you to every exam.
Students must read their VCE Exams Navigator 2016 carefully. This guide has your exam timetable and all the rules you must follow. Be sure to arrive at least 20 minutes before the starting time of each exam. There is an electronic copy of the Exam Navigator on our website.
Remember if you fall ill before an exam you MUST contact your Learning and Engagement Coordinator IMMEDIATELY for advice or help with derived scores. If you become ill during the exam let your supervisor know and see your coordinator straight after the exam. Always come to the exam unless you have a doctor’s certificate which specifically says you must not sit the exam. You cannot reschedule a Unit 4 VCAA exam.
The wellbeing team is also available to help if you require extra support during the exam period.
Year 11 students must reschedule their Unit 2 exam if they have a clash with a Unit 4 exam.
VTAC applications, Results and Change of preference
The careers staff will be available until Dec 20 to assist with accessing results and change of preference procedures. Please refer to VTAC documentation already provided, or contact the careers office.
Students finishing at BSSC this year must clear their lockers prior to Friday Nov 18. You should take your lock with you, or you may donate it to the college by leaving it on your locker.