BSSC Maths students enjoyed a get-together luncheon this afternoon, but lunch wasn’t the only thing on the menu.
Students studying Maths Methods and Specialist Maths were given bite-sized servings of inspiration from BSSC Alumni who were once in their shoes—just last year, in fact.
The guest speakers, Alex and Delara, came armed with advice about revision strategies and tips for successfully navigating Unit 4 and VCAA exams.
Apart from valuable study advice, the pair encouraged students to lean on their teachers for guidance and also to make sure they keep a healthy balance between their study schedule, a social life and time to rest.
“Focus on some of the qualities you can gain in Year 12,” says Delara. “And also ask yourself, ‘What’s important to me? What do I want to achieve?’”
It was great to see so many motivated students at the event to receive some extra encouragement.
A big thanks to our alumni guests for giving up their time today and also to Brenton Hayward for organising this special session for our students.