BSSC has a new College Council with three new parents on board. We welcome Phil Peterson, Ann-Marie Roberts and Belinda Williams to this important governance body. The two vacant staff positions will be filled by Linda Lyons and Anton van Maanen.
College Council will also appoint four Community Members at the Annual Meeting on 15 March which will be held at 7.30 pm in the BSSC Language Centre. Interested community members are invited to attend this meeting. Please advise our General Office on 5443 1222 if you plan to attend.
At its February meeting College Council received its monthly reports on Finance and College Programs. Items of discussion and interest to the community included:
- The draft 2016 Annual Implementation Plan has been provided to the education department and will return for council approval in March.
- Following a tender process, Y2 Architecture has been appointed to plan and oversee the $6m refurbishment project which will commence later this year.
- Council received a report on 2015 student achievement and other data including student absences and destinations.
- An update was provided on the college’s plan to deliver the VCE offshore.
- Council was updated on staffing changes for 2016.
- Updated Attendance and Assessment policies were approved.
- An update on preparation for the May 2016 accreditation visit from the Council of International Schools was presented.
- Approval was given for a range of camps and excursions to take place during 2016.