Business and IT studies provide a broad understanding of the business world, how it works, how decisions are made and leads to a wide range of tertiary opportunities and potential careers.


enables students to develop their financial knowledge and skills and focuses on financial recording, reporting and business decision making processes. Financial data and information is collected, recorded and reported using both manual and electronic methods. Many students pursue further studies in business and finance or become small business owners.

Business Management

examines the ways in which people at various levels within a business manage their resources to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Students develop an understanding of the challenges, complexities and rewards that come from business management and gain insight into the various ways business resources can be managed.


is about taking an opportunity to improve your economic literacy and understand how and why economic decisions are made. Students also study about how to answer the basic question around “scarcity”.

Legal Studies

focuses on laws that affect us in everyday life. Students develop an understanding of who makes the laws under which we all must live and also looks at resolving civil and criminal disputes through courts and other bodies.

Industry and Enterprise

recognises the vocational, economic, social and cultural aspects of work and encourages students to undertake a theoretical and practical investigation of these aspects throughout the units. A work placement will develop life long work-related skills.


focuses on how the needs of individuals, organisations, communities and society are met through the combination of ICT and meaningful information. We offer computing and Software Development.

There are also a range of relevant VET subjects in Business and IT.