Year 12 Visual Art students from BSSC and Wedderburn College were immersed in possibilities on Thursday morning when the annual ‘Art Inspiration Day’ was held at La Trobe Art Institute (LAI).

Past students and a local artist—Jessie Boylan—offered both practical and inspiring ideas to students.

“A day like this helps us to better understand how to set out our folios well,” Wedderburn Art student Taylor said. “It’s definitely inspiring looking at different artists’ work—it throws ideas into our minds.”

Meisha, from BSSC, agreed.

“I reckon days like this are important,” she said. “The art we’re seeing today offers different perspectives, and ideas about where you can draw inspiration. It’s good to hear from past students—they had great ideas about how to set out our folios.”

Dr Karen Annett-Thomas, Public Program Coordinator for LAI, told students that the Institute, “tries to showcase the best of what is going on, including both local and international artists.

“We are also interested in themed exhibitions with multiple artists—such as the present ‘Infrastructuralism’ exhibition that involves five artists critiquing or exploring the physical structure of this Institute in surprising and unexpected ways.”