BSSC Year 11 student, Madden Guthrie, recently spent a week of Structured Workplace Learning onsite with Franklin & Walsh Builders.
This experience helped enhance his VET Building & Construction studies and gave him a good insight into the industry, experiencing both commercial and domestic building.
Madden gained knowledge and skills above his expectations during his time with the team at Franklin & Walsh.
Madden worked on a commercial build and assisted with scaffolding, building and concrete preparation, as well as being involved with the renovation of a bathroom in an existing house.
“The delivery of the scaffold (for the commercial build) was held up, so it pushes everything else back,” Madden explained. “Sometimes the builders have to work out solutions as they go—when things don’t go to plan.”
“It’s been a really good experience: I probably like the commercial building side of the trade, but the bathroom renovation was good, too.”
Madden is certain that he’ll pursue a building apprenticeship once he’s finished school.