Year 12 student, Harley Dunn, recently undertook a week of Structured Workplace Learning with Ermel & Hobbs: designers and builders of specialised brick structures such as retaining walls, fireplaces and pizza ovens.
Harley is currently enrolled in VET Electrotechnology at BSSC, however was keen on exploring a different trade within the construction industry.
Harley had numerous opportunities during his placement to apply his skills onsite and was supported in learning new skills.
“I’ve been mixing, trowelling, carrying and loading materials—pretty much what a first-year apprentice would be doing,” says Harley.
“I really like it: learning about the trade and getting to try new stuff. The blokes I’ve been working with have been really supportive too, so that’s been good.”
Harley is still considering his pathways and what he might pursue as a career after Year 12.