Dear Parents/Carers and Students
As you will be aware, Victoria will be going into lockdown as of midnight tonight.
The Acting Premier and Minister for Education has made a public announcement which we expect to be confirmed by the Department of Education and Training shortly advising that:
- Tomorrow (Friday May 28) will be a student free day. There will be no classes running.
- Remote learning will occur for four days, from Monday May 31 to Thursday June 3 inclusive.
- Face to face learning will recommence on Friday June 4.
The college is open until 5.00 pm today and between 9.00 am and 11.00 a.m. tomorrow for those students who are able to come in and collect and materials they need from lockers and/or classrooms. Any student without a laptop or internet access should present to the College Library for support.
All students who can learn from home must learn from home. The college will be only be open to support students who are unable to learn from home or who meet certain criteria (details are in the attached document).
Learning will be supported through the use of Google Meets for live sessions and details for each class will be posted in Compass.
On Friday June 4 when remote learning ends we will run a modified timetable for the three school days leading into the GAT on June 9 in order to allow SACs and other essential activities to be completed. Teachers will make arrangements with students regarding mid-year exams. Details are contained in the attached document.
I want to emphasise that this period of remote learning is expected to end on Thursday of next week. It is vitally important that students engage immediately and thoroughly with remote learning.
Given the past experiences of staff and students we are very confident that this short period of remote learning can be successfully completed. I encourage students to approach it positively and confidently.
Please see the detailed advice included in the attached document. BSSC Lockdown and Remote Learning Arrangements
Yours faithfully
Dale Pearce