The college is not aware of any further positive COVID cases among staff, students or family members.

The growth in COVID case numbers in Bendigo is reason for concern and I encourage you all to observe COVID-safe behaviours.

  • If at all unwell do not attend the college; get yourself tested.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene.
  • Wear a mask, properly, at all times while at the college.

If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to consider vaccination.

With more COVID exposure sites being listed we will have more students and some staff members required to isolate. With Year 12 exams approaching we want to support students as best we can.

  • Where a teacher is isolating as a precaution because of visiting an exposure site, they will maintain contact with their classes by teaching remotely. Students will find instructions and Google Meets links in Compass. Students may undertake these remote classes from any of the study spaces available in the college or, if the class is at the beginning or the end of the day, from home. Students are expected to attend all their normal face to face classes.
  • Once formal VCE Year 12 classes finish, teachers will continue to be available to students during normal class time. They will be in the usual classroom and also available via Google Meets. Any teachers who are isolating will be available via Google Meets only.

Students who are required to isolate will have work posted in Compass and are encouraged to contact their teacher for any support needed.

Students and families are encouraged to monitor COVID exposure sites    

The college has accepted an offer to host a popup vaccination clinic which will be set up in the Ulumbarra Theatre foyer. This will be available to BSSC staff, students and their family members in the first instance and most likely to ‘walk up’ members of the public. Details are being finalised and will be shared in the coming days.

We are looking forward to supporting all students through the remainder of the year, with a particular focus on Year 12’s and their final days of secondary education.

Yours faithfully

Dale Pearce