As each year draws to a close, the Awards Evening brings together the BSSC community and fills Ulumbarra Theatre as families and special guests celebrate the wonderful efforts of students and staff.
Awards cover multiple areas—from sporting to community-based achievements and include every learning area—allowing the college to acknowledge the depth and variety of capacity within our students.
A major highlight was the announcement of Student of the Year and the Florence Anderson Award. This year, Nissa Wakefield was announced as 2024 Student of the Year and Josh Rankin the Florence Anderson Award winner. These students have given a great deal of their time to enhance the experiences of their peers and we honour their remarkable commitment to both academics and community-building.
2024 Dux, Abbie Correll, spoke on behalf of Year 12 students and music was integral to the evening.
A big ‘thank you’ to our fabulous Music students—including a piano recital by BSSC Musician of the Year, Violet Thoma, and a brilliant performance by BSSC’s jazz ensemble.
BSSC remains deeply grateful to our generous sponsors whose contributions give students something extra to take away into their futures.
Photos will be available on the BSSC Facebook page in the coming days—and a link will be posted on Compass too, with all the photos taken at the event, for families to download.